Chemiluminescence Systems

Dedicated Chemiluminescent Western blot imager

Imaging chemiluminescent Western blots with film can be challenging in a modern lab. However, the Syngene GeneGnome XRQ is just as sensitive as film. Equipped with a highly sensitive, cooled CCD camera, this innovative system offers a wider dynamic range than film and ensures accurate protein quantification.


Intuitive image capture software combined with powerful analysis software will give you the confidence and reassurance you need in your lab work. You can now capture a single or a series of images of even faint ECL™ or SuperSignal West Dura® chemiluminescence signal, permitting the detection of less abundantly expressed proteins a straightforward task.

With its small footprint, this system is perfect for imaging mini and midi blots.

If you are looking for a more multifunctional imager or require a larger viewing area, check out the G:Box range.

Dedicated Chemiluminescent Western blot imager

Imaging chemiluminescent Western blots with film can be challenging in a modern lab. However, the Syngene GeneGnome XRQ is just as sensitive as film. Equipped with a highly sensitive, cooled CCD camera, this innovative system offers a wider dynamic range than film and ensures accurate protein quantification.


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